Neurosurgery is the specialty dedicated to the study and treatment of injuries and diseases of the brain, spine and peripheral nerves. Neurosurgical diseases mainly affect the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve disorders.
Dr. Lastra Garcia is a renowned specialist in Neurosurgery. He has more than 15 years of experience in the profession and extensive training in different fields of the specialty. Specifically, he is an expert in minimally invasive spine surgery, brain tumors, spinal deformity surgery, scoliosis surgery without fusion (Vertebral Body Tethering), herniated discs, lumbar and cervical spines, and spinal fixation with browser.
Parallel to his healthcare work, he carries out an important research and dissemination task, being a speaker at specialty conferences. He has also combined his profession with teaching as a professor of Neurosurgery in the teaching unit of the Parc Taulí Health Corporation, together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has been a speaker at various congresses and conferences related to his specialty.
He is currently an associate neurosurgeon at Teknon Medical Center, Sagrada Família Clinic and at Salut i més, of the Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa.